Art Blogging Contest

Please vote for Musical Perceptions in the Art Blogging Match of Doom

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bach Fugue 15 in G major

This subject of this fugue is a four measure phrase with the outer two measures with eighth note four sixteenth note pattern and the inner two with four eighth notes one quarter note. Then the real answer happens in bar five through eight in the second voice a fourth lower and the upper voice does the counter subject which has some similarities to the subject. This is followed by a two bar transition into the subject being played by the third voice an octave lower than the original subject. The piece then goes into some sequences and finally the subject returns in measure 25 but this time it is inverted. There is also an IAC in G in the measure prior to this. The bass voice also does an inversion in measure 29 and the top voice does an imperfect inversion of the countersubject. Then there is another sequenced section the modulates into e minor and the subject begins again in this new key in bar 39. This is followed by an inversion of the middle voice starting on G, me in the key. The similar sequence happens again and then in bars 53 and 54 an interesting thing happens with the two voices switch measures from within the subect in a sort of call and response thing. Then the two voices are parellel for two bars reaching an IAC in b minor in bar 57. There's some more shadows of the sequences, which are all similar to what happened in the two bars between the end of the second voice's real answer and the enterance of the third voice. Then the top and bottom voice once again do some echoing of the subject. There's some more inversions of the subject and it finally returns to G nine bars from the end where the top two voices do the subject in intervals of the third and the bass voice does an imperfect inversion on the third. This eventually arrives at the last PAC in G.


Anonymous said...

No, it's really not thorough.. most of it doesn't even make sense, grammatically speaking.

Anonymous said...

agree with anonymous....