Art Blogging Contest

Please vote for Musical Perceptions in the Art Blogging Match of Doom

Monday, March 14, 2005


This piece begins in e minor. The a section is made up of a parallel period. The first phrase is 8 measures long and ends on an HC in B Major, the dominant key of e minor. The second phrase is also 8 measures long and ends up on a PAC in e minor. There is then a developmental B section that consists of two 8 measure phrases. The first phrase ends on a PAC in G Major, and the second phrase ends on a HC in e minor. We then have the return of the A section, which consists of the same material for the first 8 measures. This phrase ends on a HC. The second phrase is 11 measures long and ends on a PAC in E Major. The last 12 measures of this section are terminative, and there is a very strong pedal tone e throughout.
We then shift tonalities to C Major, which just happens to be the chromatic mediant. The A section is a 16 measure period. The first phrase is 7 measures long and ends on an IAC in C Major. The second 7 bars ends on a PAC in G Major. The A section then repeats. There is then a short developmental B section that is 11 measures long and there is a prominent pedal tone G. There is a HC in C in the 10th bar. We then go back to A, but we don't get the whole thing, and it transitions back to the allegretto.

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